Kaito Winse
Singer, dancer and multi-instrumentalist, he is also, and above all, the guardian of the rich oral traditions of his homeland. Born in the middle of the desert into a family of griots in Lankoué, a village in the north of Burkina Faso, Kaito had only to bend down to pick up the legacy.
As the bearer of a thousand lives and a thousand deaths, he is the relay of this oral tradition, these ancestral words, these waking dreams that he transforms into songs. As can be heard in each of his projects, Kaito Winse is a master of several instruments, including the calabash, the mouth bow, the Peul flute, the toutlé flute and the tama, a drum used to imitate speech, which produces this melodious sound.
His robust, haunting voice is reminiscent of the intensity of opera performances, and his relationship with Tartar(e), the French writer, actor, and playwright, has given him mastery of scansion. Through these techniques, he captivates the listener with these ancient truths.
Kaito is also a musical chameleon, working with a wide range of artists in very different styles. He can be found in an experimental noise-punk band called Avalanche Kaito, accompanying jazz violinist Ananta Roossens, or in a multi-disciplinary theatre, singing and dance project such as Aurélie Lierman's.
An eclectic artistic universe that takes on an even greater dimension live. An artist who has already graced stages across Europe.